Signs & symptoms of Periodontal disease

Bleeding gums

Gums should never bleed, even when you brush vigorously or use dental floss. Bleeding when brushing, flossing or eating food is one of the most common symptoms of a periodontal infection. The toxins in plaque cause a bacterial infection which makes the tissues prone to bleeding.

Loose teeth/change in bite pattern

A sign of rapidly progressing periodontitis is the loosening or shifting of the teeth in the affected area. As the bone tissue gets destroyed, teeth that were once firmly attached to the jawbone become loose or may shift in position.

New spacing between teeth

Caused by bone loss.

Persistent Bad breath/halitosis

Although breath odor can originate from back of the tongue, the lungs and stomach, from the food we consume, or from tobacco use, bad breath may be caused by old food particles which sit between the teeth and underneath the gumline. The deeper gum pockets are able to house more debris and bacteria, causing a foul odor.

Pus around the teeth and gums

Sign that there is an infection present. Pus oozing from between the teeth is a definitive sign that a periodontal infection is in progress. The pus is a result of the body trying to fight the bacterial infection.

Receding gums

Loss of gum around a tooth.

Red and puffy gums

Gums should never be red or swollen.

Tenderness or Discomfort

Plaque, calculus, and bacteria irritate the gums and teeth.

Pain, redness or swelling

A periodontal infection may be present if the gums are swollen, red or painful for no apparent reason. It is essential to halt the progression of the infection before the gum tissue and jaw bone have been affected. It is also critical to treat the infection before it is carried into the bloodstream to other areas of the body.

Longer-looking teeth

Periodontal disease can lead to gum recession. The toxins produced by bacteria can destroy the supporting tissue and bones, thus making the teeth look longer and the smile appear more "toothy."